Friday, April 29, 2011

I saw him

I was particularly tired this afternoon and when I laid down to sleep I was out like a light.

I dreamt that Dad walked in my house.  He was at the top of the stairs and paused.  I could not contain my happy to see him, and ran over and hugged him around his chest.  I grabbed him tight like I had no intention of letting go anytime soon.  
He just looked down sort of pleased and amused and said, "What's up, Wen?"  He seemed to not know the reason for my gladness and all I could say was "I am just SO happy to see you!"  I released him and let him continue on his way, which turned out to be the couch to kick up his feet.  I followed and sat on the arm of the couch, next to his feet.  I said, "I don't know how you're here, and how you seem to be so normal and fine."  He was genuinely puzzled which quickly turned to concern when I told him that he died a couple weeks ago.  Then recognition came over his face and he looked a little ill.  I asked him if he was ok and he didn't really answer.  I asked if he remembered dying and he nodded that he did.  All he said was, "Can you tell Mom that I could really use a drink?"  Mom was very busy in my kitchen, but I came in and told her, then said that I'd get it.  I got distracted and then remembered what I was doing.  I wondered why he hadn't asked again and whether he might be mad at my taking so long.  That was the end.

When I dream of my Tommy cat, I wake up feeling like I really, truly got to see her and pet her.  My brain won't quite let me have that with my dad dream, but I'm really glad for it just the same.

-Wendy (Biscuit)


  1. Oh, I forgot, the thing that distracted me was Tracy V in the kitchen asking me for some Burt's Bees lip balm. Odd detail.

  2. I'm so jealous. I have yet to have a dream about him. Weird since I think about him all day, fall asleep thinking about him and wake up thinking about him. What I wouldn't give for just one more hug from my dad - even in a dream.

  3. I dream of him almost every night. I never get to talk to him or even give him a hug. I know in my dream that he is not a mortal being. It's always a quick dream. I wake up happy to have had "seen" him but so sad at the same time. I sure miss my dad!

  4. This made me cry. I've had just a couple dreams about him and i love them. Sorry Jen. For real.
