Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

Called UCSF today to see how dad was doing and talked to his less than helpful nurse, Susan. She said he needed blood and potassium but that his platelets were fine. I asked her how his mental status was, and she said his short term memory is still shot and he can't remember much at all. She said he was steady on his feet, so that is a bit better.

The doctors should be in today sometime, hopefully sooner rather than later. I'll find out from Becky what they think and if they have a plan or even an idea of what's happening.

Candy and her 3 oldest will be stopping by to see him today. I will be heading down on Sunday.

Becky talked to the nurse practitioner who said that dad's blood is showing 59% leukemic cells. They are going to give him some softer chemo drugs to try to knock the numbers down a bit so he'll be in the hospital for a little while longer until he recuperates from that. After that, it looks like he wants to go home and have hospice come in to monitor his pain and treatment. He is also talking about getting a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) in place.

They are trying to get him up to the 11th floor where they can better manage his pain and treatment.

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