Thursday, July 7, 2011

3 Months

Last Friday Dad's headstone was finally placed on his grave. Becky and I went that evening to see and to visit. I was very sad to see it there as it's so final and so heartbreaking to see his name and the dates on a plaque in a cemetery. Unbelievable. But I'm also glad that this final step is done. It was the last loose end that needed to be wrapped up in this process of losing a loved one.

He has been gone for 3 months today. The grief is getting a bit easier day to day, but it still seems to jump out of nowhere, wrap it's devastating fingers tightly around my heart and send me straight into a crying fit for a short while. When it gets to the point that I can't stop thinking about him, I go to the cemetery for a visit and a chat. It seems to help.



  1. That was really really hard to see. It's so real....and wrong.
    I miss you Dad!!

  2. Oh my gosh- agreed. That is terrible thing to see. Like when I opened the newspaper and saw his obituary. Really don't like that at all.
