When I about 14 years old, I accompanied my mother to the Mayfair Market, a mile or so from our house. When we exited the store, there were fire trucks with lights and sirens driving by. I said, “Wouldn’t that be funny if they were going to our house?” (I didn’t mean funny Ha Ha, more like funny peculiar) What a surprise when we saw them turn down the streets towards our house. When we rounded the final corner, there they were in front of our house. (You know you always think even then, that they must be at the next door neighbors house, not yours.)
When we got there the Fire chief told my mother that the walnut tree in the back yard had a fire. (That’s the tree with the tree house in it.) My brother, Denny, told the firemen that his crystal radio started the fire. (There is no electricity or batteries in a crystal radio and NO power of any kind in the tree house.) The Fire Chief told my parents that he found dried walnut leaves rolled up in newspaper for smoking and that’s what started the fire.
- Karen