Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Dad had a blood test on Tuesday and the numbers came out just fine, so no need for a Neupagen shot. He goes again on Thursday for another blood test to make sure his numbers aren't declining. He talked to UCSF who said for him to come back on Tuesday of next week after his a.m. blood draw as long as his numbers are consistent. That means he'll be spending Thanksgiving in the hospital as he won't be due back home until the 30th or so. But, he will be home for his birthday on December 3rd!

Nancy is planning on coming out for a week when he gets back to drive him around and handle things for him. These long stays seem to take a lot out of him and he really needs someone to keep tabs on stuff for him and make sure he remembers to eat. If all goes well, Nancy might just be here for the birth of our 3rd baby! I really hope the timing works out that way.

I have reinstated his driving privileges after being fairly impressed that he not only called Feather River to make his own appointments, but called UCSF after researching the side effects of his medications to ask whether or not one of the ones he was taking was causing his counts to be so low. I figured if he has the mental capacity for that sort of thinking and reasoning without blowing a gasket that he's o.k. to get himself to and from the hospital. Let's hope I'm right!

He and Becky will be making one last trip down to Santa Maria this weekend to finish up her move and tie up all the loose ends from her relocation to Paradise. After this, no more road trips!! They seem to wear him out pretty fast. I'll be sure to let him have Becky drive most of the way so he can rest.

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