Friday, November 26, 2010

Friday, November 26, 2010

Dad and Becky stopped by today to pick up a pumpkin pie. He looks better than he has in a long time! His hair is growing back but he's not too thrilled about the texture and style. He thinks the left side looks nappy, the right side looks like a surfer, and the top looks like Charlie Brown. I say, beggars shouldn't be choosers, and he should take whatever he can get! 

He called UCSF on Wednesday and they said they've put him on the schedule for this Saturday and he needs to call back to see if there's a bed available, which there probably won't be. There's a long list of people waiting for beds so he might be bumped for several days until one frees up. Until then, he seems to be enjoying feeling the best he has yet and even plans on doing some digging in his backyard. He's determined to get some sort of muscle tone back on his arms. He is not thankful of the new found jiggle...

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