Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dad got his platelets on Thursday and he's been feeling better every day. He and Becky even made it down to Chico for Lucy Jean's 1st birthday party Friday night. The chaos and the noise seemed o.k. for a bit, but then he either get overwhelmed or tired and quietly snuck out after cake. 

Wendy, Mom and I saw him again briefly yesterday when we stopped by to bring him some of our leftover food from the party. He really enjoyed the food, so much so that he ate too much of it and made himself sick. He ate things like green chilies in the enchiladas and spicy guacamole and it tore up his esophagus. After some milk and ice cream, he was feeling just fine and begging for more! I left out the spicy stuff this time and just brought him the pulled pork.

He did very nicely ask me if he's allowed to drive yet, and I told him no. But after some consideration, I told him I'd give him some reflex/dexterity tests and if he passed, I'd give him the green light. I don't know if he'll pass, but it sure will be fun to make him lean his head back and touch his fingers to his nose!!!

Here's some pictures from the party - he's looking much better!

Dad and Wendy
Check out Great Grandpa in the background - look familiar?!
Grandpa and Lucy Jean

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